Friday, October 8, 2010


It has been a while since I last has been pretty busy, as most of yours are. I believe it's a sad aspect of the way our society is set up right now...go, go, go. We don't know how to *not* do things. It's an epidemic.

Even I had been burned out from a very busy year last year, and over the summer resigned myself to signing the kids up for less this year, and to a certain extent I succeeded. But I still found myself occasionally coming across a class for something or other, and realizing we had nothing on that particular night, or at the particular time the activity was taking place. So, I would consider it, and either my inner peaceful self, or my DH, would gently say "Don't do it". But I struggle with not filling up my calendar. But what I have discovered this fall, is that by not having a full calendar, we have time for spontaneous outings, *down-days* (or pajama days), and I have time to practice yoga. The kids also have been doing creative things, that normally they never get finished, let alone started. We have been playing more games in the daytime, baking or cooking together, watching some neat documentaries, playing on the trampoline, or just hanging out together. It's been a wonderful start to the fall and I am grateful for our life together!

Speaking of grateful, a dear friend of mine is having a party tonight. She has been struggling with aspects of her life for a few years now, and is in a much better place now - mentally and physically. This being Thanksgiving weekend, she has decided to have a "Gratitude Party" to show her friends how grateful she is for all they they have done for her and her son. I think it's a great idea. I think we should all have a gratitude party once in a while, to show our family and/or friends how much we love them and are blessed to have them in our life.

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