Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Not Camping

Our family was slated to depart for our first camping trip this summer today, but I sit at home with our baby, while DH is camping with our 3 children.

Despite my attempts to protect our baby from the strong sun rays this past weekend while in Liverpool for privateer weekend, he got burned non-the-less. I am not just talking a little burned, but a second degree burn on his cheeks. I feel so bad - I thought I was being very careful, we even purchased a new portable umbrella to take everywhere, and we did. He was only out from under the umbrella for 3 short little walks. Needless to say, I didn't feel like he needed to go camping, especially as hot as it is, and is expected to be.

We didn't want to disappoint the other 3, so it was agreed that DH would take them for the planned 5 day trip. I was thinking it would be good, you know, daddy time alone with the kids, while I would get some alone time with baby, get lots of rest, do lots of reading, eat well, and maybe even write something seems how the house is quiet and I won't have any interruptions - which is my usual excuse for not getting any writing accomplished. But as the moment of their departure neared, I felt tension - almost a panic attack. What would I do all by myself? Who would I talk to? Who would talk to me? I would miss days of my children's life.

Maybe I'm over-reacting I thought. Get over it, and smile as the family minus 2 drive off for a week of biking, swimming, playing, campfires, & marshmellows. I mustered up some cheer, and waved as they pulled out. Coffee...I'll go warm up that 1/2 cup of coffee I've been meaning to drink for the past 2 hours. I can do this, maybe.

An hour later, the phone rings. It's our cell - maybe DH forgot to tell me something...no, it's Connor. He's crying. He says he misses me and wants to come home. I think at first that he's trying to trick me; but no, he's sincere. Oh, this isn't going to help me get through - now I want them to come back and pick me up - but that wouldn't be the responsible thing to do given Lachlan's burn - it's so dusty at the campground (I'm scared he'll get dirt in his open blisters), and there would be no relief from the heat for him. So, I try and comfort Connor, and then Charlie (Liv's asleep). They'll be at the campground in an hour or so, and then they'll head to the beach and start having fun - and not be missing us so much.

Well, 3 long cell phone calls today - ouch, the bill won't be pretty. But what could I do - I missed them terribly, and in a way was glad to hear they missed me too. Connor still says he wants to come home tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure he'll opt to stay.

Me on the other hand...I'm already wondering if Lachlan will be healed enough by Thursday, and then maybe I can get a drive to the campground - or halfway - with friends who are travelling that way...

The house is so quiet, which I thought I'd like for a change, but really I want my noisy children back.